1. 3.1.1 Macroeconomic and Industry Review, Market share
      2. 3.1.2 Development Strategy
      3. 3.1.3 Key Performance Indicators
      4. 3.1.4 Key Risks

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3.1.2 Development Strategy

Strategic planning in OAOOpen Joint-Stock Company IDGCInterregional Distribution Grid Company of Urals is aligned with the goals and objectives, outlined in the Development Strategy of the Rosseti Group until 2030, and focused on the implementation of industry strategic planning documents, incl. Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation[1] and Strategy for the Development of the Electric Grid Sector of the Russian Federation[2].

The Development Strategy of the Rosseti Group stipulates transition to a ‘modern innovative infrastructure’ business model. The primary strategic goals of the Rosseti Group are:

OAOOpen Joint-Stock Company IDGCInterregional Distribution Grid Company of Urals’ Policy is focused on strict compliance with statutory and other requirements in service delivery, holistic change and improvement of business by implementing digital technologies, developing innovations and expanding service areas as well as creating safe and comfortable labor conditions for the personnel.

To achieve the strategic goals of the Rosseti Group the following program documents on the key lines of business were developed and approved:

OAOOpen Joint-Stock Company IDGCInterregional Distribution Grid Company of Urals’ Goals for 2022 were set for a short-term period with consideration of unattainable goal risks (risks of business operations and functional risks), to comply with:

  1. Strategic goals of the Rosseti Group.
  2. Strategic priorities of industry development, as stated in the Strategy for the Development of the Electric Grid Sector of the Russian Federation.
  3. Figures of the Company’s revised business plan for 2021-2025.
  4. C-level KPIkey performance indicators system of the Company.
  5. RK ISM-MRSK-01 “OAO IDGCInterregional Distribution Grid Company of Urals’ Integrated Management System Guidelines”.

OAOOpen Joint-Stock Company IDGCInterregional Distribution Grid Company of Urals’ Goals for 2022:

  1. Zero rate of injuries among the personnel and outsiders due the Company’s fault and mistakes and wrongful actions of the personnel. Launching of the Zero Vision concept.
  2. Enforcement of reliability and quality of service indicators, approved by regional tariff regulators.
  3. Provision of connection for consumers, ready to be connected to the Company’s networks, in a timely manner.
  4. Improvement of the customer service level.
  5. A 3% increase of the Company’s digital transformation index by executing activities envisaged by the roadmap on implementation of the Digital Transformation Program equal to 2022 figures.
  6. Execution of the Innovative Development Program and achievement of “Efficiency of Innovative Activities” KPIkey performance indicators at 90% or above.
  7. Opex reduction (net of repair and wage expenses) by at least 2% YoYyear on year in comparable conditions (prices), adjusted for equipment quantity.
  8. Increase of FY2022financial year 2022 revenues against FY2021financial year 2021 figures, incl. due to a 1% increase of revenues from additional (non-tariff) services on 2021.
  9. Target execution of the investment program at least by 95% of the volume approved, in compliance with terms and procedures stipulated by the laws.
  10. Provision of efficient use of energy resources by:
    • securing in-process energy consumption at a maximum of 6.6% of total supply;
    • cutting consumption for economic needs by at least 3% against FY2021financial year 2021 base numbers;
    • reducing consumption of engine fuel by motor transport and special-purpose vehicles by at least 3% against FY2021financial year 2021 real numbers (in comparable conditions), adjusted for changes in the number of motor transport and special-purpose vehicles and volumes of transportation.
  11. Keeping staffing levels for production personnel at or above 97%.
  12. Prevention of negative environmental impact in the course of operations through 100% execution of the environmental strategy.
  13. Implementation of the 80-Bright-Deeds corporate social initiative.

In 2022, the Company’s goals were accomplished, our end-of-the-year progress in goal achievement is as follows:

To achieve the Company’s goals for 2023 we intend to:

The Company’s target benchmark: build-up of a unified network area in the areas of the Company’s presence through consolidation of municipal grids, extensive renovation of networks, higher energy saving, application of energy-efficient technologies, set up of the smart electricity distribution system, establishment of efficient asset management and optimal environment for reliable and safe energy supply, transition to the networks of new technological patterns with completely new characteristics of reliability, efficiency, accessibility, controllability and customer-friendliness.

2026 performance targets:

Indicators 2022 actual value 2026 target value
SAIDISystem Average Interruption Duration Index 2.088 0.99
SAIFISystem Average Interruption Frequency Index 1.051 0.68
Losses 6.05% 6.47%
R&Dresearch and development expenses / Own revenues 0.08% 0.19%
Increase of labor productivity 30.78% ≥ 25% (against FY2020financial year 2020 base numbers)
Reduction of unit opex 13.82% (against FY2021financial year 2021) 3.7% (against FY2025financial year 2025)
Non-tariff revenues from other activities / own GRRgross revenue requirement 4.82% 8.04%