1. 3.2.1 Network Exploitation and Grid Asset Consolidation
      2. 3.2.2 Connection
      3. 3.2.3 Electricity Transmission
      4. 3.2.4 Additional (non-tariff) services
      5. 3.2.5 Consumer liaison
      6. 3.2.6 Key RAS metrics
      7. 3.2.7 Key IFRS metrics
      8. 3.2.8 Tariff Policy
      9. 3.2.9 Investments
      10. 3.2.10 Innovations
      11. 3.2.11 Progress of the Digital Transformation Program
      12. 3.2.12 International Cooperation
      13. 3.2.13 Import phase-out and equipment manufacturer liaison

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3.2.10 Innovations

The Board of Directors has adopted the OAOOpen Joint-Stock Company IDGCInterregional Distribution Grid Company of Urals’ Innovation Development Program[26]. The 2022-2026 mid-term implementation plan was revised and approved as a part of the 2021 Innovation Development Program progress report[27].

The following key directions of innovation-driven development were set to enhance efficiency of the program planning and implementation:

1. In terms of technological innovations:

2. In terms of organizational and marketing innovations:

The goal of the Company’s Innovation Development Program for the mid-term and long-term (till 2030) periods is to shift to the new-generation innovative network with game-changing properties related to reliability, efficiency, availability, controllability and customer-centricity.

2022 Achievements:

1. Transition to 35-110(220) kV digital substations.

The goal of the Digital Substations projects is to create grid facilities with intelligent control and management system by installing state-of-the-art equipment and systems as well as to use IECInternational Electrotechnical Commission, international standards and conformity assessment body 61850 data transfer protocols. Effect from the deployment of the “Digital Substation” technology: reduced exploitation costs due to extended repair intervals, usage of low-maintenance equipment, reduced time for restoration of normal network operation, reduced possibility of incidents and damages of equipment, usage of network fault location and remote switch control system.

The “Digital Substation” technology is planned to be deployed on the following pilot substations:

1) 110 kV “Tekhnologicheskaya” substation (Permenergo).

Innovative technologies implemented:

  • digital relay protection and automation devices, supporting digital data exchange;
  • digital (electronic) current and voltage measuring devices (incl. transformers and various detectors, incl. fiber-optic) supporting digital data exchange.

2022 achievements: DSW for a digital decentralized substation, using MMS, GOOSE and Sampled Values protocols, completed. The design stipulated the application of analogue signal converters and electronic CTcurrent transformer and VTvoltage transformer. In 2022 technical solutions on developed project documentation were approved.

2022 expenses totaled RUBruble 1.02 million (target), RUBruble 4.21 million (actual).

2) 110 kV “Novokoltsovkaya” substation (Sverdlovenergo)

Deployment of the project shall:

  • enhance observability and manageability of the facility, test solutions using RPArelay protection automation and telematics devices supporting “digital substation” technology in line with IECInternational Electrotechnical Commission, international standards and conformity assessment body 61850:
  • enhance reliability of electricity supply and voltage quality;
  • replace outdated and obsolete equipment;
  • achieve optimal load of the district.

110 kV “Novokoltsovkaya” substation has remote management of 10-110 kV equipment:

  • 110 kV voltage class by the Sverdlovenergo’s grid management center;
  • 10 kV voltage class by the integrated dispatching system of the Central Electric Grid Production Department.

110 kV “Novokoltsovkaya” substation is connected to 110 kV networks by two 110 kV aerial and cable power lines from 110 kV cable line “Yuzhnaya – Sibirskaya II circuit” with branch lines, building up new 110 kV power lines (110 kV “Sibirskaya — Novokoltsovskaya” power line with a branch line to “Lechebnaya” substation, 110 kv “Yuzhnaya — Novokoltsovskaya” power line with a branch line to “Zagorodnaya” substation).

2022 expenses totaled RUBruble 157.51 million (target) and RUBruble 176.88 million (actual).

3) 110/35/6 kV “Pyshma” substation (Sverdlovenergo).

Innovative technologies implemented:

  • digital relay protection and automation devices, supporting digital data exchange;
  • PMU devices integrated into DSP;
  • systems for control (analysis) of IECInternational Electrotechnical Commission, international standards and conformity assessment body 61850 digital communications protection, etc., using machine learning and neural networks to discover abnormalities, to ensure functional security of remote control of primary grid equipment;
  • automated systems for control of 10-220 kV equipment status after synchronous registration and monitoring of normal and emergency modes parameters;
  • smart meters with possible integration into the unified management system, providing remote control and information on network parameters;
  • fieldbus firewalls with functions of control and infiltration of OPC.

2022 achievements: DSW ended, principal technical solutions developed.

2022 expenses totaled RUBruble 0.0 million (target) and RUBruble 18.48 million (actual).

4) 110 kV “Alapaevsk” substation (Sverdlovenergo)

Deployment of the project shall:

  • enhance observability and manageability of the facility, test solutions using RPArelay protection automation and telematics devices supporting “digital substation” technology in line with IECInternational Electrotechnical Commission, international standards and conformity assessment body 61850;
  • enhance reliability of electricity supply and voltage quality;
  • replace outdated and obsolete equipment;
  • achieve optimal load of the district.

2022 achievements: DSW ended, principal technical solutions developed.

2022 expenses totaled RUBruble 0.0 million (target) and RUBruble 10.76 million (actual).

2. Transition to digital smart grids with distributed intelligent automation and control system.

2022 achievements:

Deployment of projects on the creation of distributed network automation and location of damaged sections, enhancement of observability and automation of network management in Permenergo, Chelyabenergo and Sverdlovenergo.

2022 Chelyabenergo’s expenses totaled RUBruble 3.79 million (target) and RUBruble 3.79 million (actual), 2022 Sverdlovenergo’s expenses totaled RUBruble 8.74 million (target) and RUBruble 0.0 million (actual), 2022 Permenergo’s expenses totaled RUBruble 17.0 million (target) and RUBruble 0.95 million (actual). The odds between actual and target values is due to long procurement and equipment attestation processes, failures to discharge contractual liabilities by a contractor (claim stage in process).

Innovative technologies implemented:

Effects from implementation:

2022 achievements:

2022 Permenergo’s expenses: RUBruble 44.98 million (target) and RUBruble 45.64 million (actual), 2022 Chelyabenergo’s expenses: RUBruble 36.06 million (target) and RUBruble 107.85 million (actual); 2022 Sverdlovenergo’s expenses: RUBruble 0.77 million (target) and RUBruble 0.77 million (actual).

3. Transition to end-to-end performance of business processes and automation of control systems.

2022 achievements:


1) Build-up of the Production Assets Management System (PAMSProduction Assets Management System).

Goals of the project:

  • build-up of the system for regular centralized management of core production assets in line with the Company’s strategic goals;
  • enhancement of the quality of planning for repair, maintenance, upgrade and reconstruction programs;
  • provision of Company’s management with a tool to generate objective data on production assets’ health and exploitation costs;
  • creation of a mechanism for provision of maximum possible reliability level within set funding.

Innovative technologies implemented: electronic catalogues and databases of standard technical solutions.

Effects from implementation:

  • build-up of the system for planning and recording of production programs execution (repair program, maintenance program, upgrade and reconstruction program and other programs included into the exploitation decree), compliant with uniform requirements set by external regulatory documents and Company’s bylaws;
  • integration of the system covering financial and management accounting, control of logistics, transport and human resources;
  • integration of the system with external systems to arrange data exchange, required for planning of production programs, integration with Rosseti’s GISgeoinformation system systems, business analysis systems of the Company;
  • establishment of the KPIkey performance indicators system related to production asset management on all levels that help evaluate and compare production departments, branches in terms of processes, technical and economic properties for further solutions.

The project started in 2016, its deployment goes stage by stage. Activities from the 2022-2024 PAMSProduction Assets Management System Development action plan are completed in full in 2022, with the modules put into commercial operation. Further development of the PAMSProduction Assets Management System is suspended until 2025 (when import software will be replaced by domestic software, with further migration of existing automated processes of repairs and maintenance management).



2) Creation and deployment of the GISgeoinformation system Ural geoinformation system.

Goals of the project:

  • enhancement of management efficiency by creating an integrated geo-oriented cross-functional area for interaction among structural units with straight reporting line to the Chief Operating Officer;
  • creation of a unified center for visualization of information on grid infrastructure (100% of grid facilities).

Activities to deploy and launch the system in commercial operation in 2022 were completed in full. 2022 expenses totaled RUBruble 14.95 million (target) and RUBruble 14.95 million (actual).



3) Development of the integrated decision support system (unified platform for IS integration).

Effects from implementation:

  • Reduction of labor costs on maintenance of homogeneous data in various information systems, enhancement of data quality by centralization of maintenance.
  • Enhancement of efficiency of cross-system coupling among information systems used by the Company and PAOPublic Joint-Stock Company Rosseti by centralization of data exchange processes, provision of guaranteed delivery of information among the systems, enhancement of information security in data exchange, roll-out of centralized monitoring of data exchange among the systems.
  • Reduction of expenses on deployment of new systems or replacement of existing systems into the intersystem interaction due to loose coupling of the information systems and possible reuse of integration services.
  • Reduction of expenses on maintenance and monitoring of data exchange between the Company and PAOPublic Joint-Stock Company Rosseti by rolling out a unified communication channels.

2022 expenses: RUBruble 27.24 million (target) and RUBruble 26.98 million (actual). The odds are due to revised specifications on the project.



4) Development of the management system on advanced professional education in OAOOpen Joint-Stock Company IDGCInterregional Distribution Grid Company of Urals.

Effects from implementation:

  • Reduction of labor costs on preparation of reports and planning by 2024 through integration with the Company’s information systems and operations within integrated space;
  • Possibility to obtain income from license sales (access to functional modules of the system) to outsiders;
  • Reduction of expenses by cost-cutting on 1S-software usage.

The project ended in 2022, key achievements of the projects are:

  • Software deployed on the Company’s servers.
  • Documentation ensuring commercial operation of the system developed and approved.
  • Users and administrators of the system were trained.
  • Software put into commercial operation.

2022 expenses: RUBruble 32.59 million (target) and RUBruble 32.66 million (actual).



5) Deployment of automated electronic document flow system (SEDO).

2022 achievements:

  • System design;
  • System development and fine-tuning;
  • Preparation to pilot operation, trial operations.

2022 expenses: RUBruble 13.69 million (target) and RUBruble 4.46 million (actual). The odds are due to changes in calendar schedule as a result of prolonged pilot operation stage. Completion was rescheduled for 2023.

4. Application of the latest technologies and materials.


1) Project “Use of innovative wires for 110 kV aerial power lines”.

Goals of the project: implementation of a pilot project related to use of innovative wires for aerial power lines. We plan to use innovative wires on the following facilities:

Effects from implementation:

2022 achievements: innovative wires purchased, CAWconstruction and assembly works and commissioning completed (Senilek wire), the project completed. 2022 expenses: RUBruble 16.93 million (target) and RUBruble 17.63 million (actual).



2) Project “Use of new-type PPEpersonal protection equipment for works on facilities under voltage (0-1 kV)”.

Goals of the project: Provision technical teams with PPEpersonal protection equipment for works on repair and maintenance of power lines (isolated and non-isolated wire), switchgear and networks with voltage class of 0-1000 V without disconnection from the networks. Innovative technologies implemented: mastering of works under voltage. 2022 achievements: 3 PPEpersonal protection equipment kits (supplier: OOOLimited Liability Company Volta). In 2023 we plan to purchase 3 PPEpersonal protection equipment kits and finalize the project. 2022 expenses: RUBruble 1.77 million (target) and RUBruble 1.77 million (actual).

5. Development of innovative development management systems and shaping of innovative infrastructure.



1) Supervisory control of the Company’s management system in terms of its compliance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, ISO 45001 and certification of IMS in terms of its compliance with GOSTstate standard R 56273.1-2014/CEN/TS 16555-1:2013.

Goal of the project: provision of integration of the management system elements into the holistic system meeting requirements of international standards, improvement of innovative development management systems and enhancement of efficiency of the Company’s business processes.

2022 achievements: supervisory audit in OAOOpen Joint-Stock Company IDGCInterregional Distribution Grid Company of Urals, incl. Sverdlovenergo, Permenergo and Chelyabenergo, production departments and distribution zones. Compliance of the Company’s integrated management system with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, ISO 45001 confirmed, compliance of the Company’s IMS with GOSTstate standard R 56273.1-2014/CEN/TS 16555-1:2013 certified. 2022 expenses: RUBruble 0.44 million (target) and RUBruble 0.33 million (actual). The odds were due to outcomes of procurement procedures.



2) Application of the knowledge management system in process model of technological and innovative development management.

The Company’s knowledge data base is designed for searching, accumulating, storing, distributing and using knowledge by employees and for the activities of professional communities.

2022 achievements: business processes analyzed, concept and target model of the knowledge management system, incl. its integration into the Company’s business processes, developed. Documentation on the creation of the system (technical specifications, project plan, contents of database) prepared. The system was launched using the Company’s capacities, primary content provision and trial testing completed. 2022 expenses: RUBruble 8.43 million (target) and RUBruble 8.43 million (actual).

Target and actual expenses in 2022:

RUBruble million, net of VATvalue-added tax Expense target value Expense actual value
Transition to digital substations 158.53 210.33
Transition to digital smart grids with distributed intelligent automation and control system 111.34 159.01
Transition to end-to-end performance of business processes and automation of control systems 133.11 123.07
Application of the latest technologies and materials 18.70 19.40
Development of innovative development management systems and shaping of innovative infrastructure 8.87 8.76
Total: 430.55 520.57

There were 3 research and development works during 2022:


1) Research project “Development of an automated system for handling of keys to electric equipment and control of access to facilities, integrated with the PAMSProduction Assets Management System, with application of electronic keys and signature” (completed, project time: 16.08.2021-30.11.2022).

Price: RUBruble 24.8 million, net of VATvalue-added tax (RUBruble 29.7 million, incl. VATvalue-added tax). Funds from DP sources. The contract is executed.


  • lay-out for installation of the system at 14 facilities of the Sverdlovsk distribution zone prepared;
  • installation of the system at the facilities;
  • information system MR R&M finalized;
  • TPP prepared, validation tests completed.

2) Research project “Development of a technology and creation of a unit for renovation of filthy line insulation of an aerial power line with further automated diagnostics of isolation breakdown characteristics” (due to contractor’s failure to discharge contractual liabilities, we initiated legal proceedings to denounce the contract).

12M 2022 achievements:

3) Stage 1 of Research project ”Expansion of a CIM profile in terms of connection and perspective development of the networks”.

Price: RUBruble 15 million, net of VATvalue-added tax (RUBruble 18 million, incl. VATvalue-added tax). Funding: other own funds.

Stage 1 achievements: analysis of:

  • a specialized software in terms of the adequacy of a CIM GOSTstate standard R 58651 profile to describe information on grid facilities, consumers and grid equipment, transmitted among information systems under processes related to connection and perspective development of the networks;
  • regulatory and technical documentation regulating processes of connection and perspective development of the networks in terms of the adequacy of a CIM GOSTstate standard R 58651 profile to describe information on grid facilities, consumers and grid equipment, transmitted among information systems under processes related to connection and perspective development of the networks.

MU 2020 2021 2022 2022/2021, %
Expenses on innovations RUBruble million 520.71 669.54 520.57 77.75%
R&Dresearch and development expenses RUBruble million 22.69 31.51 20.08 63.73%