1. 2.1 Company’s profile and structure
    2. 2.2 Business model
    3. 2.3 Key figures, achievements
    4. 2.4 Key events of the year and post-reporting events

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2.4 Key events of the year and post-reporting events

Key 2022 events:

  • Permenergo branch has acquired a new mobile electric laboratory
  • The Company’s General Director and Minister of Industry and Science of the Sverdlovsk region has discussed prospective cooperation in network development
  • The Company has presented its FY2021financial year 2021 RASRussian Accounting Statements results: RUBruble 82.7 billion (revenues), RUBruble 5.2 billion (net income)
  • The Company has presented its FY2021financial year 2021 IFRSInternational Financial Reporting Standards results: RUBruble 96.5 billion (revenues), RUBruble 3.8 billion (profit for the period)
  • The Company’s General Director and Perm Governor discussed the Company’s projects implemented in the region.
  • The Company has presented its 3M2022 RASRussian Accounting Statements results: RUBruble 22.9 billion (revenues), RUBruble 0.65 billion (net income).
  • The Company has built a grid infrastructure to supply a South Urals’ gold mining plant with electricity (Chelyabinsk region)
  • The Company has presented its 3M2022 IFRSInternational Financial Reporting Standards results: RUBruble 26.7 billion (revenues), RUBruble 2.8 billion (profit for the period)
  • Change of the Company’s General Director
  • Annual General Meeting of Stockholders
  • Representatives of Rosseti Ural and Kazakhstan have signed an agreement on the development of charging infrastructure during Innoprom-2022 international exhibition
  • The Company has presented its 6M2022 RASRussian Accounting Statements results: RUBruble 42.6 billion (revenues), RUBruble 2.7 billion (net income)
  • The Company has presented its 6M2022 IFRSInternational Financial Reporting Standards results: RUBruble 49.6 billion (revenues), RUBruble 3.1 billion (profit for the period)
  • The Company has expanded its network of EV charging stations in the Perm region (Perm – “Semya” mall; Selo Nevolino, R-242 highway)
  • The Company has presented its 9M2022 RASRussian Accounting Statements results: RUBruble 62.6 billion (revenues), RUBruble 2.7 billion (net income).
  • The Company has launched PS 110 kV Novokoltsovskaya into operation
  • The Company has launched 2 new electric vehicle charging stations into operation in Yekaterinburg.
  • The Company has presented its 9M2022 IFRSInternational Financial Reporting Standards results: RUBruble 72.8 billion (revenues), RUBruble 4.0 billion (profit for the period)
  • Extraordinary General Meeting of Stockholders

Post-reporting events:

  • The Company updated street lighting networks under the energy service contract in Novoilinsky and Uralsky settlements (Nytva Municipal District)
  • The Company constructed grid infrastructure for an all-season sport training center (Chelyabinsk)