1. 3.3.1 Contribution to Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals
      2. 3.3.2 Personnel Management
      3. 3.3.3 Environment Protection
      4. 3.3.4 Management systems
      5. 3.3.5 Procurements
      6. 3.3.6 Anti-corruption Policy and Enforcement of Economic Security of Operations
      7. 3.3.7 Disclosures
      8. 3.3.8 Development of territories
      9. 3.3.9 Stakeholder Liaison

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3.3.9 Stakeholder Liaison

In its activities the Company liaises with various groups of stakeholders on an ongoing basis. Maintaining an open and constructive dialog helps position the Company auspiciously in business environment, responsibility and proper consideration for stakeholders in strategic decision-taking are mandatory for efficient development of business.


Stakeholder map:

Key interests Key liaison forms and channels
Shareholders and investors
  • Economic efficiency
  • Business continuity
  • Transparency of business processes
  • Shareholder value growth
  • Disclosures, incl. financial disclosures
  • Shareholder meetings and other corporate events
  • Company’s web-site
  • Responses to queries
Business partners (suppliers and contractors)
  • Long-term cooperation
  • Fair trade
  • Impeccable reputation
  • Timely and accurate fulfilment of contract obligations
  • Conduct of procurements
  • Company’s web-site
  • Thematic forums, conferences and exhibitions
  • Support of domestic suppliers
  • Reliable, uninterrupted and high-quality power supply
  • High service standards
  • Transparency and availability of information on the Company
  • Quick and simple connection procedure
  • Customer service centers
  • Hotline
  • Company’s web-site
  • Customer surveys
State (federal, regional and local authorities)
  • Reliable and stable functioning of the energy system
  • Implementation of infrastructure development programs
  • Attraction of additional investments into the regions and creation of new jobs
  • Tax payments
  • Satisfaction of demand for electricity
  • Approval of tariffs, investment programs
  • Signing of cooperation agreements
  • State supervision and oversight
  • Receipt of permits and regulatory documents
  • Payment of taxes
Internal Stakeholders (personnel, trade union, Veteran Coordination Council, Young Professionals Council, etc.)
  • Safe working conditions and work culture
  • Opportunities for personal development and professional growth
  • Decent remuneration terms and social protection
  • Strengthening of attractivity of energy worker
  • Collective agreement
  • Personnel training
  • Social support of employees
  • Succession pipeline
  • Veteran Coordination Council and Young Professionals Council
  • Cultural and sports events
  • Reliable, uninterrupted and high-quality power supply
  • Employment of population
  • Social and economic development of regions of presence
  • Charity
  • Environmental impact reduction
  • Conduct of socially important events
  • Implementation of environment protection programs
  • Company’s web-site
  • Press conferences, press releases, promotion events
  • Thematic forums, conferences and exhibitions
Scientific organizations and core universities
  • Development of sectoral science
  • Development and implementation of innovation technologies
  • Technology transfer
  • Improvement and development of joint educational
  • Joint R&Dresearch and development
  • Personnel training and retraining
  • Job training system
  • Cooperation agreements
  • Research-to-Practice conferences