1.1 Statement by the Chairman of the OAO IDGC of Urals’ Board of Directors

D.V. Krainsky
The Chair of the Board of Directors Of OAOOpen Joint-Stock Company IDGCInterregional Distribution Grid Company of Urals
Dear shareholders,
This fiscal year became a success for Rosseti Ural. The Company has accomplished all the tasks, improved its performance metrics and delivered sustainable financial result, with FY2022financial year 2022 net profit outperforming a RUBruble 3.2 billion benchmark.
These achievements primarily stem from state-of-the-art corporate governance practices, highly skilled management and team’s responsible service.
In 2022, the Company has achieved the reliability targets in its service areas in full and completed its strategic goal in contributing to economic progress of the Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk and Perm regions. The Company has fulfilled its plans related to greenfield construction, reconstruction, retrofitting and upgrading of the grid assets.
The Company’s FY2022financial year 2022 strong performance provided a solid basis for new ambitious objectives. The Company intensifies its production plans to ensure reliable and faultless electricity supply in three regions, where country’s significant manufacturing capacities are concentrated. FY2023financial year 2023 expenses on maintenance and repair shall be increased by 25%, with almost RUBruble 5 billion to be spent on maintenance and repair.
The Company’s FY2023financial year 2023 investments focusing on the development and upgrade of the electric infrastructure of the Urals and Kama regions shall exceed RUBruble 12 billion. The Company shall renovate tens of main substations and give the highest priority to the grid facilities of the developing Urals territories where new industrial and social facilities as well as private housing projects are commissioned.
The team launches multiple projects to enhance the quality of electricity supply, develops its grid complex contributing to social and economic progress in the Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk and Perm regions in close cooperation with authorities and businesses.
I want to underline that in 2022 the Company, as usual, has proven its status of a reliable partner and leader of the Urals energy sector.
Rosseti Ural shall continue its progressive development, placing a priority not only on its financial stability and well-being of its employees but also on our primary social mission consisting in securing comfort and well-being for the people living in the areas of our presence.
Best regards,
The Chair of the Board of Directors
D.V. Krainsky