Indicators Weight / % of bonus reduction (2022), % 2021 actual value // Evaluation of accomplishment in 2021 2022 target value 2022 actual value* // % on 2021 actual value Evaluation of accomplishment (2022) // factors of variance
Total Shareholder Return 10 RUB 2,177,019,094 // accomplished ≥ average dividends (according to GM resolutions) paid for 3 years prior to the reported period, and ≥ dividends to be paid in the reported period, stipulated by the business plan Accomplishment of the indicator shall be evaluated after the FY2022 General Meeting’s decision on net income allocation #colspan#
ROIC 20 168.6% // accomplished ≥ 95.0% 122.2% // 72.5% accomplished // -
EBITDA 15 accomplished // accomplished accomplished accomplished // 100% accomplished // -
Reduction of opex per unit 10 4.7% // accomplished ≥ 2% 13.82% // 34% accomplished // -
Loss level 10 6.96% // not accomplished ≤ 6.68% 6.63% // 105% accomplished // -
Increase in labor productivity 5 19.13% // accomplished ≥ 10% 30.78%// 160.9% accomplished // -
Efficiency of innovative activities 20 99% // accomplished ≥ 90% Actual value is not determined** Not evaluated
Reduction of receivables 10 57.1% // accomplished ≤ 100% 38.7% // 147.5% accomplished // -
Compliance with connection terms -10 1.1 // accomplished ≤ actual value of the previous year multiplied by 0.85, but no less than 1.1 (1.1) 1.1 // 100% accomplished // -
Debt / EBITDA -10 accomplished // accomplished accomplished accomplished // 100% accomplished // -
Compliance with the facility launch schedule -10 1Q 86% 2Q 107% 3Q 91% 4Q 96% 12M 97% // not accomplished ≥ 90% (in all quarters) 1Q 100%//116% 2Q 98%//92% 3Q 105% //115% 4Q 103%//107% 12M 103%//106% accomplished // -
Preparedness for winter seasons -10 Simultaneously: 1) 0.99 2) accomplished // accomplished Simultaneously: 1) ≥ 0.95 2) Failure to achieve the set value of “Existence of incomplete activities related to preparedness by an energy sector player” Simultaneously: 1) 0.98 //99% 2) accomplished accomplished // -
Execution of the Company’s Development Blueprint*** -70 The indicator is not defined // the indicator is not evaluated The indicator is not set The indicator is not defined The indicator is not evaluated
Achievement of the level of reliability for services rendered -10 Simultaneously: 1) Ksaidi = 1.69 Ksaifi = 1.41 2) none 3) 0 // accomplished with due consideration of intrinsic factors Simultaneously: 1) Ki ≤ 1 2) No significant deterioration of indicators set by the regulators 3) Zero increase of occurrence of large-scale incidents Simultaneously: 1) Кsaidi = 2.04 Кsaifi = 1.43 2) none 3) 0 accomplished with due consideration of intrinsic factors**** // -
Lack of occupational casualties -10 Simultaneously: 1) 0 2) 2 // not accomplished Simultaneously: 1) 2 or less casualties; 2) 0 Simultaneously: 1) 0 2) 2 Not accomplished // fatality
Transition to preferential use of domestic software -20 Evaluation of the 2022 performance 1) ≥ 68.25% 2) Own plan on transition to preferential use of domestic software approved 1) 71.79% 2) approved by Company’s Decree[7] accomplished // -