Activities MU Actual effect in 2022 #colspan# #colspan#
#rowspan# #rowspan# In MU tfoe RUB million
Reduction of electricity losses Million kWh 12.9 1,542.7 38.2
Reduction of in-house load of substations Million kWh 1.0 123.0 3.0
Reduction of consumption for economic needs Million kWh 2.2 259.3 7.2
#rowspan# Thousand GCal 1.5 219.6 2.5
#rowspan# Thousand m3 (gas) - - -
#rowspan# Thousand m3 (water) 2.4 0.08
Reduction of fuel consumption Thousand liters (gasoline) 155.9 176.5 6.0
#rowspan# Thousand liters (diesel) 173.9 214.3 8.4
Total effect on target-oriented activities Million kWh 16.0 1,925.0 48.4
#rowspan# Thousand GCal 1.5 219.6 2.5
#rowspan# Thousand m3 (gas) - - -
#rowspan# Thousand m3 (water) 2.4 0.08
#rowspan# Thousand liters 329.7 390.8 14.4
#rowspan# Total 2,535.4 65.3
Total effect on the Program (incl. side activities) Million kWh 133.0 15,959.8 386.8
#rowspan# Thousand GCal 2.5 359.0 4.0
#rowspan# Thousand m3 (gas) 4.4 5.0 0.02
#rowspan# Thousand m3 (water) 2.9 0.1
#rowspan# Thousand liters 349.0 413.7 15.2
#rowspan# Total 16,737.5 406.1