Tender type

Number of tenders


Tender value

#rowspan# pcs % of total amount of tenders RUB thousand, plus VAT % total tender value
Electronic tender 167 6.616 6,793,631.149 26.715
Price inquiry after competitive pre-selection 544 21.553 1,453,243.112 5.715
Price inquiry after pre-selection 236 9.350 2,902,580.579 11.414
Single-source purchase 511 20.246 3,189,860.240 12.543
Purchase from vendors 15 0.594 53,375.957 0.210
Single-source purchases after cancelled tenders 497 19.691 4,824,681.587 18.972
Electronic auction 10 0.396 4,290,750.00 16.872
Electronic quote inquiry 178 7.052 210,899.513 0.829
Electronic price comparison 21 0.833 4,895.157 0.019
Electronic request for proposals 345 13.669 1,706,555.823 6.711