Risk Influence on performance Risk materiality #colspan# Measures to manage the risks
#rowspan# #rowspan# 2021 2022 #rowspan#
FR01-01. Reduction of electricity transmission volumes for consumers connected to regional distribution networks Achievement of consolidated operating profit (EBITDA) Important Crucial - Monitoring and forecasting of electricity consumption on a disaggregated basis by voltage levels, which determine differentiation of the transmission prices (tariffs), by consumer categories, as well as monitoring of physical parameters of electricity balance and capacity, activities related to the enhancement of accuracy and integrity of electricity and capacity demand planning. - Interaction with consumers to approve planned transmission volumes, incl. requested capacity, to be included into electricity transmission contracts and filed with the tariff regulators.
FR01-06. Inflation increase Achievement of consolidated operating profit (EBITDA) Moderate Crucial - Implementation of the Company’s 2022-2026 Enhanced Operating Efficiency and Cost-cutting Program - Analysis of planned scope of works and services, update of scopes to retain target costs.
FR01-09. Fines applied to GRR for failures to execute the investment program Achievement of consolidated operating profit (EBITDA) Important Crucial - Weekly control over the execution of the key investment program parameters by branches and Company at large; - Control over target financing of the investment program projects with funds from the transmission tariff.
FR01-15. Change of bad debt reserves (in compliance with the rules for maintaining accounting records) Achievement of consolidated operating profit (EBITDA) Crucial Crucial - Implementation of measures to reduce overdue transmission receivables and settle disputes, stipulated by the Regulations on Handling of Transmission Receivables Carried on the Balance Sheet.
FR02-01. Increase of funding of the investment program and/or standalone projects (in comparison to the set limits) Achievement of consolidated Net Debt / EBITDA Important Important - Control over inclusion of requests into the procurement plan in compliance with the investment program at the request approval stage. Approval of revision of the current period’s procurement plan for the next period’s needs. Approval of the procurement plan for the next period’s needs.
FR02-02. Implementation of standalone investment projects that are beyond the investment program Achievement of consolidated Net Debt / EBITDA Important Important - Control over inclusion of requests into the procurement plan in compliance with the investment program at the request approval stage. Approval of revision of the current period’s procurement plan for the next period’s needs. Approval of the procurement plan for the next period’s needs.
FR02-04. Deviation of DEBT / EBITDA ratio Achievement of consolidated Net Debt / EBITDA Important Crucial - Formation of forecast cash flows for a short-term period (quarter), calculation of net cash flow. - Control over implementation of investment projects in terms of value. - Cost management, dependent on expected revenues (factoring in mandatory requirements to reliability and security). - Control over the execution of debt restructuring agreements. - Obtainment of economically viable tariffs.
FR02-05. Increased losses from general-fee connection contracts (for filers requesting 150+ kW) Achievement of consolidated Net Debt / EBITDA Crucial Re-identified risk (added to the risk register). - Filing of documents to compensate shortfall in incomes related to increased construction scopes vs approved technical specifications. - Control over inclusion of a request for procurement procedures on connected facilities in the ACSPA in terms of compliance of value from requests with key parameters of the investment program. - Verification of ceiling (initial) price calculation justification.
FR03-01. Contractors’ failures to pay for electricity transmission services within the contractual terms and/or Contractors’ underpayments Achievement of target level of electricity transmission receivables Crucial Crucial - Claim administration to reduce receivables, control over timeliness of procedures. - Cooperation with the Federal Bailiff Service in aid of execution, signing of cooperation contracts with the Federal Bailiff Service, control over debt repayment through enforcement proceedings on judicial decisions related to collection of overdue debt.
FR06-01. Failure to follow contractual connection schedules Compliance with connection terms Important Crucial - Registration of “ready-for-connection” notices from applicants in the ACS on connection; - Filing of “approaching connection deadline” notices with applicants; - Control over target and actual execution of connection contracts according to the execution rate calculation format
FR07-01. Contractors’ failure to follow the schedules of designing, supply, construction, commissioning Compliance with the facility launch schedule, % Important Important - Control over achievement of milestones envisaged by high-priority schedules. - Control over achievement of milestones envisaged by pre-construction schedules.
FR09-01. Casualties through the fault of the personnel Zero increase of casualties among the employees Crucial Crucial - Execution of the activities from the Company’s 2021-2023 Reduction of Personnel Injuries Risks Program. - Enforcement of execution of the Personnel Administration Rules in terms of personnel safety training, knowledge checks, OHS briefings and subsequent knowledge tests, etc. - Provision of safe working environment by acquiring certified, high-quality and compliant with requirements protective gear, rinsing and deactivating PPE, serviceable tools and equipment, control over correctness of their usage, accounting, storage, testing, etc. - Control over the execution of organizational and regulatory documents, programs, containing labor safety requirements.
FR09-02. Casualties through the fault of outsiders Zero increase of casualties among the employees Crucial Crucial - Execution of the target program related to the equipment of special-purpose vehicles and transport, used for operations and personnel transportation, with advanced safety technologies by upgrading or re-equipment. - Training of Company’s drivers (professionalizing programs, defensive driving). - Control over the execution of activities related to inspection of compliance of equipment with standard process documentation (examination of proper functionality of fences and doors of substations, examination of presence of warning signs and locks, detection of possible intrusion places in constructions and fences of grid facilities).
FR09-03. Casualties and occupational deceases resulting from production factors Zero increase of casualties among the employees Important Important - Arrangement of special evaluation of working environment and laboratory and production control. - Provision of safe working environment by acquiring certified, high-quality and compliant with requirements protective gear, rinsing and deactivating PPE, serviceable tools and equipment, control over correctness of their usage, accounting, storage, testing, etc.
FR11-02. Rise in prices of materials, equipment, construction due to external factors (climate, geographical factors, inflation, crisis, etc.), left out at the approval of the Company’s investment program Reduction of per-unit investment costs Moderate Crucial - Control over prices in line with the Procedures for forming initial (ceiling) price for design and survey, construction and assembly works (incl. “turnkey” contracts), incl. equipment and materials delivery, on procurements from into the Procurement Plan and unscheduled procurements.
FR12-04. Involvement of the Company / Company’s employees in corruption Compliance with laws, incl. laws preventing and combating corruption and antimonopoly laws Crucial Crucial - Implementation of measures from the corruption-combating plans for a correspondent year. - Conduct of annual declaration campaigns.
FR12-06. Imposition of fines by the Federal Antimonopoly Service Compliance with laws, incl. laws preventing and combating corruption and antimonopoly laws Crucial Re-identified risk (added to the risk register). Regulation of business processes and interaction procedures for Company’s structural units related to operations, subject to antimonopoly regulation, control over compliance with antimonopoly legislation.
FR13-03. Malfunction and (or) breakdown of information and telecom infrastructure of grid facilities Provision of integrated safety and security of Company’s operations Important Important - Implementation of activities from the Company's Build-Up of Integrated Information Security System Program. Engineering of security systems for important facilities of crucial information infrastructure of OAO IDGC of Urals.
FR13-05. Undue influence on grid facilities and their information and telecom infrastructure (acts of terrorism, sabotage, crimes, etc.), incl. IT attacks Provision of integrated safety and security of Company’s operations Important Important - Introduction of proposals on equipping Company’s facilities with security equipment into the investment and other programs. - Arrangement of guarding and physical protection of grid facilities. - Inspection of grid facilities in terms of their compliance with security requirements.
FR13-07. Wilful misconduct of corporates, individuals and employees bringing economic losses and harming business reputation Provision of integrated safety and security of Company’s operations Important Important - Cooperation with the Federal Bailiff Service in aid of execution, signing of cooperation contracts with the Federal Bailiff Service, control over debt repayment through enforcement proceedings on judicial decisions related to collection of overdue debt. - Inspections (investigations) related to identification of signs of unlawful actions by corporates, individuals and employees. - Timely protection of the Company's interests involving law enforcements (if necessary).