1. 3.2.1 Network Exploitation and Grid Asset Consolidation
      2. 3.2.2 Connection
      3. 3.2.3 Electricity Transmission
      4. 3.2.4 Additional (non-tariff) services
      5. 3.2.5 Consumer liaison
      6. 3.2.6 Key RAS metrics
      7. 3.2.7 Key IFRS metrics
      8. 3.2.8 Tariff Policy
      9. 3.2.9 Investments
      10. 3.2.10 Innovations
      11. 3.2.11 Progress of the Digital Transformation Program
      12. 3.2.12 International Cooperation
      13. 3.2.13 Import phase-out and equipment manufacturer liaison

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3.2.2 Connection

Demand Analysis

The demand for connection to the networks in 2022 increased in comparison to 2021. The total number of applications for connection, filed with the Company, grew by 6% and totaled 52,439, the growth driven by enhanced accessibility of connection due to the transition to online channels, improved purchasing power as a result of subsidized real property loans and information on possible cancellation of privilleged technological connection. The share of electronic applications filed with the use of personal account in 2022 totaled 99%. In 2022, the Company concluded 30,876 contracts (+1%YoYyear on year) and executed 27,177 contracts (-8%YoYyear on year). Capacity demand in concluded contracts also increased by 18%.

Demand for connection (pcs)*

3.2.2 Connection 1


Demand for connection (MW)*

3.2.2 Connection 2

Metrics MU 2020 2021 2022 2022/2021, %
Applications filed pcs 41,888 49,290 52,439 6%
Applications filed kW 2,935,258 3,442,436 4,190,455 22%
Contracts concluded pcs 27,428 30,524 30,876 1%
Contracts concluded kW 806,473 811,009 820,289 1%
Contracts executed pcs 24,093 29,623 27,177 -8%
Contracts executed kW 573,941 678,611 656,721 -3%
Active contracts pcs 19,609 18,725 21,324 14%
Active contracts kW 1,796,348 1,684,551 1,761,949 5%
Executed contracts by categories of applicants:
0-15 kW inclusive pcs 22,130 27,448 25,092 -9%
15-150 kW inclusive pcs 1,619 1,860 1,793 -4%
150-670 kW pcs 264 237 212 -11%
670+ kW pcs 77 75 78 4%
Generation pcs 3 3 2 -33%
0-15 kW inclusive kW 265,821 342,978 316,095 -8%
15-150 kW inclusive kW 103,301 129,633 122,753 -5%
150-670 kW kW 71,405 70,566 62,575 -11%
670+ kW kW 117,409 122,528 154,494 26%
Generation kW 16,005 12,906 805 -94%
Revenues from connection by categories of applicants:
0-15 kW inclusive RUBruble million 42 64 92 44%
15-150 kW inclusive RUBruble million 46 74 93 25%
150-670 kW RUBruble million 348 325 332 2%
670+ kW RUBruble million 165 288 706 145%
Generation RUBruble million 119 0.06 17 28236%
Executed contracts by industries:
Individuals pcs 19,973 25,085 23,323 -7%
Agriculture, forestry, fishery pcs 175 152 174 14%
Manufacturing industry pcs 129 122 132 8%
Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water pcs 166 156 139 -11%
Real estate development pcs 545 583 514 -12%
Trade industry pcs 295 291 302 4%
Transportation and telecommunications pcs 658 801 620 -23%
Public health, education, social services pcs 175 124 93 -25%
Other pcs 1,977 2,309 1,880 -19%
Individuals kW 250,237 323,086 300,065 -7%
Agriculture, forestry, fishery kW 21,621 13,036 15,291 17%
Manufacturing industry kW 27,658 31,192 56,791 82%
Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water kW 46,578 63,474 30,178 -52%
Real estate development kW 40,718 43,002 38,743 -10%
Trade industry kW 21,836 14,815 15,038 2%
Transportation and telecommunications kW 5,862 7,549 11,078 47%
Public health, education, social services kW 11,483 7,005 4,865 -31%
Other kW 147,948 175,453 184,671 5%

Cancelled contracts


Connection contracts cancelled during the reported period *
Contracts MWmegawatt Contract value,
RUBruble million,
net of VATvalue-added tax
Permenergo 824 (-35% to 2019) 95 (+67%) 123 (-35%)
Sverdlovenergo 715 (-24%) 21 (-42%) 26 (-71%)
Chelyabenergo 1 056 (-10%) 76 (+33%) 125 (+37%)
2020 TOTAL 2 595 (-23%) 192 (+28%) 274 (-26%)
Permenergo 679 (-18% to 2020) 33 (-65%) 83 (-33%)
Sverdlovenergo 356 (-50%) 63 (+200%) 59 (+127%)
Chelyabenergo 768 (-27%) 105 (+38%) 99 (-21%)
2021 TOTAL 1803 (-31%) 201 (+5%) 241 (-12%)
Permenergo 311 (-54% to 2021) 23 (-30%) 102 (+23%)
Sverdlovenergo 268 (-25%) 32 (-49%) 47 (-20%)
Chelyabenergo 538 (-30%) 27 (-74%) 36 (-64%)
2022 TOTAL 1117 (-38%) 82 (-59%) 185 (-23%)

* net of temporary connection


Connection requests are waived due to changes in terms for construction of filer’s facility, lack of intentions to construct any facilities, lack of funds or expiration of specifications.

During 2022, Permenergo cancelled 311 contracts (-54%YoYyear on year) with the total capacity of 23 MWmegawatt and worth RUBruble 102 million (net of VATvalue-added tax). Most of the contracts (82%) were cancelled by 0-15 kW applicants, 69% of cancellations done by individuals.

During 2022, Sverdlovenergo cancelled 268 contracts (-25%YoYyear on year) with the total capacity of 32 MWmegawatt and worth RUBruble 47 million (net of VATvalue-added tax). Most of the contracts (75%) were cancelled by 0-15 kW applicants, 67% of cancellations done by individuals.

During 2022, Chelyabenergo cancelled 538 contracts (-30%YoYyear on year) with the total capacity of 27 MWmegawatt and worth RUBruble 36 million (net of VATvalue-added tax). Most of the contracts (81%) were cancelled by 0-15 kW applicants, 74% of cancellations done by individuals.


The most important connections in 2022 are: