UNUnited Nations SDGsustainable development goals
2022 achievements
- Compliance with safety regulations and occupational safety;
- Social security of employees, incl. health insurance and health resort treatment
- Occupational safety costs: RUBruble 680 million.
- 100% of the Company’s employees are provided with voluntary health insurance
- 782 employees visited health resorts
- Cooperation with core universities and secondary vocational educational institutions
- Training, retraining and advanced training of employees
- 12.8 thousand employees were trained at the Company’s expense
- Company’s expenses on training and advanced training of employees: RUBruble 100.4 million
- Reliable electricity supply to consumers
- Provision of connection services to all interested parties
- Isaidi (Permenergo): 0.8002 hours, Isaidi (Chelyabenergo): 1.7671 hours
- Isaifi (Permenergo): 0.8398 pcs, Isaifi (Chelyabenergo): 1.0838 pcs
- Iadiept (Sverdlovenergo): 0.0170 hours
- Incidents (on 2021): minus 4%
- Connection contracts executed: 27.2 thousand
- Capacity connected: 657 MWmegawatt
- Employment in the regions of operation
- Competitive salary
- 15.0 thousand people employed in 3 regions.
- Wages and social benefits: RUBruble 14.4 billion
- Connection of new facilities
- Construction of new power lines and substations
- Digital transformation
- R&Dresearch and development
- Applications filed: 52.4 thousand , Contracts concluded: 30.9 thousand, Contracts executed: 27.2 thousand .
- Facilities commissioned: 1.9 thousand kmkilometer of power lines, 264 MVAmega voltampere of transformer capacity
- Funding of the Digital Transformation Program’s activities: RUBruble 193.0 million.
- R&Dresearch and development expenses: RUBruble 20.1 million
- Enhancement of reliability of electricity supply to consumers in settlements
- Use of insulated power lines and underground cables to improve network resilience and ability to withstand extreme weather conditions
- Use of smart switches to reduce the likelihood of power outages and increase safety and reliability of electricity supply
- Isaidi (Permenergo): 0.8002 hours, Isaidi (Chelyabenergo): 1.7671 hours
- Isaifi (Permenergo): 0.8398 pcs, Isaifi (Chelyabenergo): 1.0838 pcs
- Iadiept (Sverdlovenergo): 0.0170 hours
- Expenses on repairs and maintenance: RUBruble 4.8 billion.
- Enhancement of energy efficiency and reduction of losses
- Compliance with international standards in terms of quality management
- Sustainable use of natural resources
- Effect from activities under the programs on energy saving, reduction of losses and other related activities totaled 16,737.5 tfoe and RUBruble 406.1 million.
- Development of management systems in compliance with ISOinternational standardization organization 9001:2015, ISOinternational standardization organization 50001:2018, ISOinternational standardization organization 14001:2015, ISOinternational standardization organization 45001:2018.
- Air pollution reduced by 12%
- Biodiversity conservation
- Bird-protection devices installed: 5.2 thousand