1. 3.2.1 Network Exploitation and Grid Asset Consolidation
      2. 3.2.2 Connection
      3. 3.2.3 Electricity Transmission
      4. 3.2.4 Additional (non-tariff) services
      5. 3.2.5 Consumer liaison
      6. 3.2.6 Key RAS metrics
      7. 3.2.7 Key IFRS metrics
      8. 3.2.8 Tariff Policy
      9. 3.2.9 Investments
      10. 3.2.10 Innovations
      11. 3.2.11 Progress of the Digital Transformation Program
      12. 3.2.12 International Cooperation
      13. 3.2.13 Import phase-out and equipment manufacturer liaison

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3.2.1 Network Exploitation and Grid Asset Consolidation

Network exploitation

MU 2020 2021 2022 2022/2021, %
Substations pcs 38,279 39,277 38,141 -2.9%
Substation capacity MVA thousand 34.8 34.5 34.9 +1.2%
Power lines (circuits) km 154,531 156,676 153,398 -2.1%

Decrease in core production assets during 2022 was due to cancellation of the contract on the lease of OOOLimited Liability Company AES Invest’s grid facilities (6 substations and 1,745 transformer substations with capacity of 669 MVA, 4,957 km of power lines). Increase of substations’ installed capacity was due to the conclusion of the contract on the lease of PAOPublic Joint-Stock Company Uralkali’s grid assets (12 110 kV substations with capacity of 844 MVA).

Repairs in 2020-2022

The Company’s repair and maintenance target for 2022 totaled RUBruble 4,631 million, real expenses in 2022 totaled RUBruble 4,829 million or 104%. Repair program in 2022 in branches:

RUB million Target Actual % of completion
Permenergo 1,572 1,767 112%
Sverdlovenergo 1,582 1,663 105%
Chelyabenergo 1,470 1,388 94%
IDGCInterregional Distribution Grid Company of Urals (incl. HQheadquarters) 4,631 4,829 104%

The overrun was mainly due to recovery and unscheduled works. Partial underperformance of the target repair program by Chelyabenergo was due to cancellation of the contract on the lease of OOOLimited Liability Company AES Invest’s grid facilities (target repair and maintenance expenses: RUBruble 75.6 million). Total costs of the branches spent on outsourcing repair works totaled RUBruble 695 million or 14%, with RUBruble 4,134 million or 86% spent on in-house repair works.
The Company’s repair program in 2020-2022:

Works MU 2020 real values 2021 real values 2022 target values 2022 real values % of completion
Power line corridor clearing ha 9,426 10,258 9,954 10,387 104%
Groundwire replacement km 291 209 243 258 106%
Insulator replacement pcs 126,840 121,167 101,343 111,431 110%
Transformer overhaul pcs 35 28 41 44 107%
Switch overhaul pcs 1,726 1,712 1,527 1,605 105%
Overhaul of isolating switches, short circuitors, disconnecting switches pcs 1,394 1,660 1,821 1,838 101%
Total repair costs RUBruble mln 4,179 4,339 4,631 4,829 104%

Changes in repair volumes are attributable to natural fluctuations coming from repair periodicity. The repair program for 2023 totals RUBruble 5,807 million or +20% YoYyear on year, with RUBruble 5,007 million or 86% to be spent on in-house works and RUBruble 800 million or 14% to be spent on outsourcing works.

Description of incidents on network facilities in 2020-2022, incl. primary incident factors.

A decline in the number of incidents on 110kV+ networks of the Company’s branches totaled 4% on 2021 and 7.5% on 2020. The diagram shows the amount of incidents and disturbances on 110kV+ networks.

Primary factors of incidents on 110kV+ networks in 2022 are natural impacts, external impacts, aging of equipment, exploitation defects. In 2022, all branches of the Company achieved long-term reliability targets, set by the regional regulators, Permenergo and Chelyabenergo showed significant outperformance of the targets. Sverdlovenergo achieved the set target with allowances made for permissible variation coefficient of 30%, stipulated by the Guidelines[9].

Reliability indicators

Isaidi, hour

Isaifi, pcs

Approved by the REC 2022 actual value Approved by the REC 2022 actual value
Permenergo 2.8813 0.8002 1.4896 0.8398
Chelyabenergo 2.8813 1.7671 1.8737 1.0838


Reliability indicators Iadiept, hours
Approved by the REC 2022 actual value
Sverdlovenergo 0.0164 0.0170

In 2022, to enforce reliable grid performance, the Company has approved a set of special-purpose programs on technical development[10]: programs on reduction of incident rate and enhancement of equipment reliability, maintenance and repairs, service checks, upgrade (retrofitting) of grid facilities, enhancement of fire safety, environmental safety, compliance with industrial safety requirements and enhancement of reliability of equipment, used at dangerous production facilities, equipment of special-purpose vehicles and transport with state-of-the-art security tools, lifting facilities, purchases of electric supply reserves. The primary expected effect from the special-purpose, repair and investment programs lies in the control of the level of incident rates and creation of conditions for achieving the reliability targets set by the regulators.

Consolidation of grid assets

OAOOpen Joint-Stock Company IDGCInterregional Distribution Grid Company of Urals (jointly with AOJoint-Stock Company EESK) consolidates grid assets to shape a unified network area on the territory of the Company’s operations helping create a single point of responsibility for reliable and high-quality electricity supply and providing additional possibility to connect new consumers to the consolidated networks.

Primary means of consolidation were:


Consolidation of grid assets 2020 2021 2022
MVA km c.u.conventional units MVA km c.u.conventional units MVA km c.u.conventional units
IDGCInterregional Distribution Grid Company of Urals’ total 3,267 13,003 65,856 2,621 13,639 63,567 2,900 5,737 46,834
Acquisition of grid facilities 69 228 1,058 0 0 0 56 358 1,721
Rented grid facilities 3,180 12,736 64,654 2,603 13,501 63,106 2,824 5,221 44,632
Other (permanent rights of ownership and use) 17 29 114 11 61 256 13 82 274
Other (temporary rights of ownership and use) 1 10 30 7 77 205 7 76 207
AOJoint-Stock Company EESK’s total 550 1,300 7,913 585 1,328 8,397 1,266 9,356 31,317
Acquisition of grid facilities 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12
Rented grid facilities 530 1,299 7,654 538 1,328 7,837 1,247 9,356 31,078
Other (permanent rights of ownership and use) 20 1 259 47 0 560 19 0 227
Other (temporary rights of ownership and use) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0